HP ExpertOne
There is growing pressure to implement comprehensive but complex cloud and converged infrastructure solutions. That’s why HP ExpertOne is so important to your future. HP ExpertOne career certification signals to employers that your technical abilities are top-notch, tested, and proven by the world’s largest technology company.
You’ll find HP ExpertOne certifications for all areas of the datacenter: cloud computing, servers, storage, networking, business software, and more. And in ExpertOne, HP is the only company todayoffering a cloud and converged infrastructure certification that alsoincludes a business component.
HL042P - Accelerated HP Access Layer Network Technologies, Rev 11.31 (AIS)
The Accelerated HP Access Layer Network Technologies training is a 5-day course combining the HP A-Series Networking Technologies and HP E-Series Networking Technologies courses. This accelerated training introduces network technicians to the technologies and products in the HP A-Series line of routers and switches. The Accelerated HP Access Layer Networking Technologies training also introduces network technicians to the HP E-Series switches, wireless access points, and controllers and the technologies they need to understand to begin configuring and managing these products.